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Trump vs Biden: Why Trump is the better option - On Foreign Policies

Opinion Analysis by Tala Karkanawi, Staff Writer

November 8th, 2020

To read part 1 on healthcare click here

To read part 3 on the economy click here

The US elections have historically played a critical role in the formation of multiple possible changes affecting the global arena across borders. With the US being one of the powerful leading countries of the world, who's hands the leadership lies in matters to a grand portion of us global citizens. The difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s foreign policies are quite extravagant. Both candidates believe in different things, and both believe that their policies will make America great again. However, Donald Trump’s idea on re-formulating the middle east into a better region is more practical, and here is why.

Trump is and was never exactly an ideological person. However, he was more of an opportunistic, realistic and a devious one to be exact. He comprised and engulfed the values of what the Republican Party stands for, and was able to use it as a path to his consolidation of power. The GOP embraced this especially as he was able to create a channel to deregulation and appointing federalist society-vetted judges. The interruptions of Russia-gate and the accusations that were thrown out at him turned him into a monster for the left and a champion for the right side. However, Trump did what he did for himself. 


One essential thing to note, Trump was always able and ready to spend other country’s money for his own so called selfish reasons, or personal gain. Those personal gains are generally financial, and to Make America Great Again certainly. What the United States needs now more than ever, is for a government that is willing to do this exactly. A government that knows how to form relations with the right countries and the right people; a government that is willing to play it smart financially, socially, and most importantly, politically. Trump is a business man, and this exact thing is his own game. 


Moreover, Trump was able to reduce the US military abroad, while ending essential issues the middle east was facing. The Islamic State of Syria and Iraq has been destroyed and long gone. Syria and Iran are being monitored closely and are consequently weaker than before as well. In addition, two of the biggest terrorist leaders that existed before the Trump administration were bringing unsettling ambiances in the middle east, are also long gone; Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, ISIS’ leader, and Qasem Soleimani, who is the Iranian military commander.


 The gulf, alongside the US and the EU have been struggling with Iran for a very long time now, and things did not get better at all when Obama was in charge. Obama withdrew US forces from Iraq, which in turn handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. This would allow Iran to have admittance and a facilitated approach across Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, all the way to the israeli border. This gave Iran an advantage and power over the region. Not only did it cause tension in the region, but armed militia Hezbollah grew in power in Lebanon and Syria, leaving the citizens under their control. In addition, the deal that was made under the Obama administration in regards to the Iran nuclear deal was seen in Tehran as a surrender from the US’s side. For all those reasons, bringing Biden in will be as if bringing an Obama 2.0.


Joe Biden did state that if he wins, he will revive the nuclear deal with Iran in addition to signing a new international deal with them. This was Obama’s plan that was ripped apart by Trump. President Trump was able to pressure Iran and decrease its power over the region when he came into control. This really limited the powers of the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon and Syria. Getting into Hezbollah and the Lebanese government as a whole is a different issue, however Trump implemented restrictions on the armed militia alongside other corrupted officials in Lebanon which placed restrictions on their banks and money abroad. Biden will soon discover that his plan to revive the treaty with Iran will not only displease the region, but will surely unsettle israel and the Arab states. In addition, Biden also promised he would implement a tougher scrutiny in regards to Saudi Arabia’s past human-rights record and their war on Yemen, which also could limit his influence with the kingdom, and lose a great and useful ally in the process. Furthermore, when Biden was a senator, he was a great supporter of the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, and the invasion of Iraq in 2003. However, he later called this a ‘huge mistake’ and tried to reduce military troops from both Afghanistan and Iraq respectively. 


Another record breaking deal, in which some might it to be more of a loss than a win, under the Trump Administration, a deal was made that formulates peace between major Arab/African countries with israel. UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and a potential country as well, Oman, have recently signed diplomatic agreements with israel that were made under Trump’s presidency. This is the first pact between israel and the Arab regions in 25 years after Jordan and Egypt. This is an essential breakthrough as the middle eastern region has been suffering with so much tension and disputes. In addition, this brought a pause on israel’s former plan of annexing the west bank completely. Although this is nothing close to bringing justice to the Palestinians, it is a step towards formulating peace throughout the region. 


Now, let’s look at the other side, Biden might have won the nominations, but Bernie Sanders was the real deal who claimed the hearts of millions of Americans. If the democrats were in fact to control the congress and the white house in 2021, this will enable the expanding of the supreme court so that the liberals will be able to restrict some of the freedoms in which they do not agree with; this includes religious freedom, and the freedom to bear arms, which is an act in the US constitution since the day it was made.  


The issue with media, it would be extremely difficult to read about Trump’s impressive records because of the anti-Trump and biased media outlets. The collapse of media justice, encouraged by a foaming detestation of Trump, is an indication of a durable one-party state, which has to end.