International News, Analyses & Opinions

#SaveBeita: israel Attempts to Continue Settler Colonial Expansion
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveBeita: israel Attempts to Continue Settler Colonial Expansion

Opinion Analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

Beita is a Palestinian village within the Nablus governate in the northwest part of the occupied West Bank. On the outskirts of Beita, at the top of Jabal Sabih, israelis set up illegal outposts in May of 2021. In response, the Palestinians of Beita have shown resistance towards the settlers in the form of protests that have been violently met because of the IOF. Since these protests began, IOF soldiers have killed 5 Palestinians, the youngest of whom are 15 and 16, for the crime of protesting against the occupation of their rightful land. Hundreds of Palestinians have been injured by live ammunition during the course of these protests, which have occurred on a daily basis since the set-up of the illegal outpost of Evyatar at Jabal Sabih.

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#SaveLifta: One of the Last Palestinian Villages Left Standing After the Nakba
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveLifta: One of the Last Palestinian Villages Left Standing After the Nakba

Opinion analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

By demolishing Lifta, israeli politicians are hoping to continue their plan to judaise Jerusalem and make it a capital of israel that is void of Palestinians while simultaneously robbing Palestinians from Lifta of their Right to Return. The occupation and apartheid state is continuing the project it started in 1948, built on the idea that Palestine is ‘a land without a people for a people without a land’ and thus perfect for establishing a Jewish homeland. However, the land is Palestinian and Palestinians will continue to exist and resist the occupation.

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#SaveSilwan: The israeli Project to Judaise East Jerusalem and Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveSilwan: The israeli Project to Judaise East Jerusalem and Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians

Opinion Analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

Any attempts to evict and expel Palestinians from East Jerusalem are illegal under international law since it is seen as occupied territory and should not face any demographic changes, but israel does not face any consequences from the international community for its flagrant and continued violations of international law, human rights abuses, apartheid regime, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and war crimes. Instead, it continues to receive billions of dollars in military aid to fund the IOF’s incessant brutality and wrongly weaponizes anti-semitism against anyone who criticizes the Zionist occupation’s regime.

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Vaccine apartheid as a piece of the israeli settler colonial puzzle - A legal analysis
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

Vaccine apartheid as a piece of the israeli settler colonial puzzle - A legal analysis

Opinion Analysis by Francesco Pitzalis, Contributor and Yara Dally, Contributor

The Covid-19 pandemic has precipitously exacerbated global health inequalities. This has been perpetuated by inequitable access to vaccines and propagated crippling outbreaks in the developing world. Notably, israel has led the global vaccination effort whilst simultaneously refusing to vaccinate the Palestinians it occupies. israel has also vaccinated israeli settlers in the occupied territories. Thus, israel discriminates against access to vaccines on a street by street basis. The following legal analysis explores israel’s vaccine apartheid in the occupied territories. 

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The Palestinian Nakba: 1948 VS. 2021
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

The Palestinian Nakba: 1948 VS. 2021

Opinion Analysis by Tala Al Otaibi, Contributor

73 years later, the genocide against Palestinians is still taking place. Yet, no matter what, the Palestinians remain strong and resilient. Palestine will always be the land with an abundance of culture and history. Palestine will always be the land of giving. 73 years later, we continue to fight for our freedom. We continue to pray and believe that Palestine will be free.

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#SaveSheikhJarrah: israel Breaks International Law by Expelling Palestinians From their Own Land, and the International Community Remains Silent
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveSheikhJarrah: israel Breaks International Law by Expelling Palestinians From their Own Land, and the International Community Remains Silent

Analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

On May 2nd, 2021, Mohammed Al-Kurd and his family will have to leave their home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem, and they are not alone. By order of the Jerusalem District Court, six families comprising 27 people, including Al-Kurd’s family, will be forcibly evicted from the houses they have lived in for seven decades. The expulsion of Palestinians from their homes to replace them with israeli settlers has been an inhumane and illegal project ongoing since the 1948 Nakba. If the indigenous Palestinian population isn’t being threatened with eviction, then they are consistently harassed by israeli settlers.

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