International News, Analyses & Opinions

#SaveSilwan: The israeli Project to Judaise East Jerusalem and Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveSilwan: The israeli Project to Judaise East Jerusalem and Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians

Opinion Analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

Any attempts to evict and expel Palestinians from East Jerusalem are illegal under international law since it is seen as occupied territory and should not face any demographic changes, but israel does not face any consequences from the international community for its flagrant and continued violations of international law, human rights abuses, apartheid regime, ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and war crimes. Instead, it continues to receive billions of dollars in military aid to fund the IOF’s incessant brutality and wrongly weaponizes anti-semitism against anyone who criticizes the Zionist occupation’s regime.

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Palestine Elections in Light of the Normalization Deals: What is the Palestinian Authority up to?
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

Palestine Elections in Light of the Normalization Deals: What is the Palestinian Authority up to?

Opinion policy analysis by Sasha Matar contributor

“Palestine is full of capable young leaders who can replace the bunch of corrupt rulers”, argues a 32 years old Palestinian activists who has been deprived from exercising his democratic right to vote since the last elections held in 2007. Who is Hamas and who is Fatah, what happened in 2007 between those rivals and will the 2021 elections happen? and what are the challenges? 

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