International News, Analyses & Opinions

#SaveBeita: israel Attempts to Continue Settler Colonial Expansion
The Phoenix Daily The Phoenix Daily

#SaveBeita: israel Attempts to Continue Settler Colonial Expansion

Opinion Analysis by Roa Daher, Featured Writer

Beita is a Palestinian village within the Nablus governate in the northwest part of the occupied West Bank. On the outskirts of Beita, at the top of Jabal Sabih, israelis set up illegal outposts in May of 2021. In response, the Palestinians of Beita have shown resistance towards the settlers in the form of protests that have been violently met because of the IOF. Since these protests began, IOF soldiers have killed 5 Palestinians, the youngest of whom are 15 and 16, for the crime of protesting against the occupation of their rightful land. Hundreds of Palestinians have been injured by live ammunition during the course of these protests, which have occurred on a daily basis since the set-up of the illegal outpost of Evyatar at Jabal Sabih.

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